Friday, November 27, 2009

1930: The evolution of mankind's master

And so it came to pass, our world was then dominated by the force of nature known as a telephone. It wrecked havoc to society and civilization, forever changing it to a colder nature. The phone was made to look nice and more comfortable for the hand as much as for the ear for a bigger consummation of the population to its intense power over all of us. Here is the next version of our leader.

1920: The threat has arrived!

We are now in the 1920s, if you have not yet realized, this is the era in which was introduced to mankind the phone we now know and still have for some. This is the phone that shall bring an end to man to man communication as we know it. People are now stuck at the orgasmic finger movements of dialing a phone number and talking without actually seeing the person. What an outrage to years spending beside one another and communicate with not only our voice but our facial expressions too! I feel that the time to go back has long past...We are at a crossroads my friends.

1910-1920: The first pay phone

10 years later, the world feels the weight of its leader fall on their wallets. The "world leaders" thought it could be smart to make money off their machinery. Little did they know that by doing this they further enhanced our servitude towards this item. This one piece of machinery look quite a bit like the present-day pay phone. It is black, companies would use this color to add professionalism but for those who see the truth in all this, it was made to represent the darkness this object of mass power brings to our world..A world led not by civilization but its inventions.

1900: A flame of dominance

We are now in the 1900s. The phone has grown to its teens and it looks like a candlestick. This metallic candlestick spark a flame of obedience in my heart. I feel compelled to fall on my knees and use this machine. Our master is rising from its first look and more and more people now feel the need to use it.

1890: The phone's distinctive look grows

We now enter the reign of the double-bong. Phones in the 1890s used a bong for the ear and a bong as a mouthpiece. Little did we know that these two primitive bongs would evolve into a simple yet dominating cellphone. These bongs bring us closer to the idea of the dreaded corded phone. Beware...

Friday, November 20, 2009

1880: Our Nemesis Grows..

In 4 years, the metallic bong turned into a nice wooden piece of machinery. This is the next design for the almighty phone. It is bigger, but in wood to add a certain style to it. We now glimpse the beginning of the era of the corded phone's reign...

The Origin of the Menace

The phone was once-upon-a-time created by a man named Alexander Graham Bell. Little did he know that he was inventing the world's most commanding ruler. As seen in this photo, it looked like a metallic bong or cannon from which this man was whistling through.

Phones for all to use

Phones. The very mention of this evocative word brings images to my young mind. This world is now ruled by the unmerciful phone. It doesn't spare anyone who are financially able to buy it. It is the true ruler of our modern age. But what was the phone before becoming our king? How did it look in its primitive form? How did its look grow from that of its youth? Watch and learn about the creation of mankind's nemesis, the phone.